The pillars of our programs

Our programs integrate different cornerstones for a healthier and happier life, such as environmental education, astronomy, yoga, meditation and healthy nutrition. Read more below.



Our educational trails take place in natural settings, allowing students to learn by doing and exploring. We encourage the questioning of their observations through analysis of causes-and-effects, and prioritizing critical thinking over memorization.

During the walks, strategic pauses will be taken to allow for active discussions on key environmental issues, built upon their own knowledge and understanding. The kids will also participate in a variety of hands-on activities designed to stimulate their creativity and problem-solving skills.  

Different technological tools will be integrated to enhance the learning process, such as smart handheld devices customized to facilitate the research on the concerns triggered by the discussions, and also promoting the use of technology for learning and creative purposes.


Benefits of outdoor education

Through outdoor experiences, kids become more physically active, more creative, and more aware of their interdependence with one another, contributing to address important health issues, such as obesity, sedentarism and depression.



Astronomy lets us expand the limits of our minds and allows us to find our context in the Universe, changing how we see the world and more importantly, how we choose to live our lives.

Our astronomy center will include an observatory and a planetarium designed for a fun cosmic evening.



Our observatory will consist of a main telescope for detailed observations, and a set of individual telescopes to allow a personalized learning experience.



In the planetarium, kids will be taken beyond the limits of their imagination, in a journey from the sub-atomic origins of matter to the billions of galaxies that surround us.



It is well known that Yoga has many positive impacts on our bodies and minds. It improves our core strength and elasticity while enhancing our capacity to focus and deal with stress.

Yoga has an inclusive nature, as it encourages students to concentrate on the inner-self, where competition is not relevant.

The healthy effects of being outdoors synergize with the Yoga practice, enhancing our awareness of the environmental stimulus, activating our curiosity and creativity, and improving the learning process.


Healthy eating involves increasing the ratio of natural foods in our diets. Fruits and vegetables will be produced at the Biofarm following practices that are sustainable and innovative.

We encourage avoiding processed foods and added sugars, which is not only beneficial for our bodies, but also for our planet. 



Each day at the School of Sustainable Life begins with a short meditation session, offering the opportunity to achieve several benefits on our mental and physical health.

A regular meditation practice improves our emotional and intellectual consciousness, it expands the limits of our creativity, and develops our self-awareness and self-esteem.

While enhancing our connection with nature and others, meditation strengthens our stress management and decision making skills.